Welding done Right

All Metal Welding

Phillip Davis is a freelance metalworker that specializes in building exterior stair railings, and more. You've got the right man for metalworking.

The right man for the job

Mr. Philip Davis can weld anything from fences to trailers to house frames. If you need metalworking, he's the right guy.

If he's built you something in the past, be sure to drop him a good review at HomeAdvisor!

Services for Every Market

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Need something to improve your home? We've got you covered. Simply ask, and we'll give you a quote.

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Metalworking goes beyond the scope of homes! If your company needs a welder, you've found one of the best.

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Unfortunately, presidential statues are not on the list, but anything involving welding is!

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Cooking isn't usually a talent of metalworkers, but I can say I'll be able to cook up any metal object for you.

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Farms & Ranches

Fences or barns anyone? I can do it all including making extra-sharp fences that'll keep your cows in your property (not recomended)


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Need a job done?

We'll be happy to get right over and gauruntee satisfaction.